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Monday, October 10, 2016


Before I begin I would like you to know that everyone reading this belongs to the top 10% of people in any society they find themselves. .
Do you believe that?
Well you should.
You should believe so because research has shown that only the top 10% of people take out time to develop themselves and search out opportunities to improve themselves not only intellectually but also financially and so if only the top 10% of people in any society are the ones that seek out knowledge and you are here, what does that make you?
Yes that’s right a part of the top 10%. 

The truth is that many of us may not feel this way right now but we know or if we don’t know it is important that we know now that being successful first begins in the mind before it materializes in the physical form.  Everything we see today no matter what it is was first in someone’s mind before it came into the physical. For instance the laptop, tablet or phone you are reading this article on was first designed in someone mind before it was made. Without ever being conceived in the mind it can never materialize in the physical. The buildings you see were first conceived by an architect in his mind before they were brought into the physical. Even this earth was first conceived in the mind of God before it was brought into the physical.

Let’s turn to Genesis 2:3
And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it; because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
This is not tautology i.e. saying the same thing twice. It tells us that God first conceived it (created) and then he brought it into being by making it. Thus we have to first create it before it is made.
 For many of us we are still in the creation phase that is why though we are the top 10% it is not evident in the physical yet cos we are still creating.  How do we know we are still creating because we are here? I assure you that you are not the only one that that saw the title of this post but you were attracted to it and went further to read this far. If you were not part of this 10% you would not be here. If there is no budding successful business person inside of you, if there is no imminent millionaire inside of you no matter what you were told you would not be here. It’s only a matter of time before it materializes in your life.  This manifestation of the inner potential is also dependent on you because as the bible says in Ecclesiastes 11:3 – when the clouds are full the rain would come down so it now depends on how fast you feel your clouds and what we are doing here is part of the process of filling this clouds.

This business series is tagged BECOMING THE GODKIND OF MILLIONAIRE. This denotes that first and foremost God wants us to be Rich and not just that if
God was on earth today (2016) based on his word and what we know about him we can deduce the methods with which he would have gone about it.

I am sure all of us want to be prosperous and have been applying the spiritual laws set aside for prosperity for instance first fruit, tithing, offering and giving. We need to note that God in answer to our actions would not just cause people to come and give us money but would put us in situations where these means of making more money is shown to us. It is then left to us to take advantage of this.  I am of the strong opinion that what we are doing now, the fact that you are reading this is the result of you actions prior to this day, all the tithe you have been giving, offering you have been giving and so on.  Today with what we are about to present to you, you would receive your harvest.

There is this story about this man in a community that was expecting a flood. First he heard on the news that there was going to be a flood that everyone should evacuate their houses. He said it won’t affect me because God would save me. The heavy rains began and the roads where all flooded so the emergency services came with a boat to pick him up. He said do not worry God would save me. His house then became flooded so he had to stay on the roof. The emergency services again sent a Helicopter to save him he still told them do not worry God would save me. Eventually he drowned in the flood. When he got to heaven He asked God. Why didn’t you save me? God said I told you on the news you refused to listen, I sent a boat for you , you refused to go in,  I sent a helicopter for you, you still refused to go in. what more could I have done.

Many say we want to be prosperous they have done all it takes. Finally they are here hearing this things and they in their minds say God would do it in my life. It is always darkest before the down, when I am down to nothing God is up to something. He has already done something the question is are you ready to take advantage of it.

Our mission is to ensure you accomplish this task as we know the richest people in history were believers.  We are told Job was the richest man in the east and he eschewed evil (JOB 1:1) Abraham was extremely wealthy also and in our time we would be the examples in the name of Jesus.
Over the next few days we would be discussing in detail God’s Business Model and my prayer is that the message would be a blessing to you as it has been to me. As the bible says in Ephesians 1:17 May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him as together we dissect this God’s Business Model.

Keep a date with me on this same page tomorrow. Have a blessed day.

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